Two women walking from Kimiranko Market

~ by mikecrwanda on May 12, 2008.

2 Responses to “Two women walking from Kimiranko Market”

  1. Hi Michael, I really like reading your blog. Its a great way to let us know what you are doing and that you’re safe. It sounds like you are having some great experiences.

    Yesterday, I was watching a TV show on the most dangerous animals in Africa. It was the usual lions, crocodiles, hippos,snakes and scorpions. I wouldn’t think you would see any in Kigali, but what about outside of town? Will you get a chance to see the jungle? If so, watch out of the Momba (snake).

    Love, Dad.

  2. Michael, This is your Aunt Sheri,I am sooo proud of you and all the good things you are doing over there.You are turning into a fine young man with a good heart. Grandma Chinn says to mine your p’s and q’s and that she loves you. Chris and I will cook you up a big Chinese dinner when you come home. We love you!!! Take care and be safe. Love , Aunt Sheri

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