Wow! So I made it to Africa! Haven’t seen any gorillas yet:( did see a bumble bee the size of my own eyeball though.

I left Seattle on Tuesday morning at 7a.m., I arrived here to Kigali this afternoon at 12p.m., it’s thursday! The trip was exciting though. I’ll try to get the pictures posted soon and try to write more after dinner but the internet here is kinda hit or miss so who knows. 

Moving on, listen to this, getting through security at an Ethiopian airport isn’t anything like getting through in the US. However, trying to do it while the soldier sitting next to you is holding an AK-47 and wearing full on blue fatigues makes the experience quite a bit more nerve racking. That little scenario led up to my landing here in Kigali and had me in an “on edge” kinda mindset. So when I landed the people supposed to be picking me up were late. Not a big deal. But as I stood there and looked around I realized I was the only white person in the entire airport which was fine until the police officers walked down the stairs. I should try to get a picture of their uniforms because all I can say about them is that they are immensely intimidating.  Hardcore commando style… with boots almost to their knees.

More soonish… Mike

~ by mikecrwanda on May 8, 2008.

2 Responses to “RWANDA!”

  1. Michael,
    I’m so glad that you got to Africa safely. I’ve been praying, and will keep on praying, that you are safe there and that nothing happens to you. I’m so proud of you that you decided to do something like this. You are truling growing into a wonderful man. Well, that is enough for now. I’ll write again, once you tell me more of your adventures.

    My prayers and love is with you always.

    Love Kendal

  2. Hi Michael,

    I’m so glad that you were able to post a message on your website so we knew that you made it safe & sound. There must not be any cell phone service there. Have you tried sending a text? Anyway, sounds like you had an interesting time as you arrived in Africa. You have many people praying for you. You are continually in our thoughts and prayers. We love you!


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